Herr & Mister
NYT presents 32 innovations - each of them with a co-creational / context-dependant twist: that's social innovation:
Paper says: Ambidextrous motives have positive consequences for organizational productivity, creativity, & adaptation:
The mix of people and the kind of space greatly affect the outcome of innovation.
Herr and I discussed the power of Building 20 when we were in Cambridge. Here's why it's better than brainstorming:
Seems like our innovation identity concept is the ideal breeding ground for transformational, breakthrough innovation:
The study suggests a separated organizational structure & noneconomic metrics to foster transformational innovation:
Chaps over at Monitor say transformational innovation delivers greatest payoff:
Also conflicts most with ongoing ops.
We help you find your way out of your organizational fixedness - to create new value and (re)identify the real needs of your customers.
Apply these insights on functional fixedness to your organization: realize that you are serving an imaginary customer:
That kind of co-creation is what we do with organizations.
I should clarify that I'm referring to the producing consumer not the consumer of professional grade electronics.
It's also about allowing the consumer to take part in the process of creation. The jargon term is 'prosumer' I believe.
What is the value of getting something custom made? It caters to our need for individuality and underscores our unique IDENTITY, right?
I'll custom make this sentence to contain the web address of CustomMade:
CustomMade was around the corner from my hotel in Cambridge Mass. Pairing makers with people who want stuff made custom. Nice.
After a few days in Boston area I could again see how important a simple value proposition is: Anything more complex than 123 is irrelevant!
Finding new customers you first have to get your value proposition straight:
Here is our value:
But sometimes it's useful to look at sites that do not match the question verbatim. Note the frosted tips.
What is an early adopter? It only makes sense to turn to
for the answer:
But enough about how companies lose customers. How do innovative start ups find those precious (and precocious) early adopters?
Persistence & determination fo FAIL as indicators of SUCCESS: WD-40 lubricant = Water Displacement - 40th Attempt:
Fail on the shoulders of giants.
So an Innovation Identity is a failure incubator in a way. It's a safe place to fail.
If failure is not tolerated within the company, externalize it. That's what an Innovation Identity exists to do.
Venture Capital is the business of failure. They recognize the value of failure as a requirement to innovation.
Reason why you need a safe INNOVATION IDENTITY to plan your creative metamorphosis: fear otherwise kills your ambitions
Another aspect of failure: Fear! Innovation is often killed by fear
e.g. fear of losing your face:
Encyclopedia was too fixated on the idea that only printed books are trustworthy: Failure to adapt to digital identity:
After 244 years, Encyclopedia Britannica said today it's going fully digital. You can read about it on Wikipedia.
Henry Ford learned from the failure of his first 2 automobile companies how to use assembly line manufacturing:
herr & mister
our innovation identity
your innovation identity
Thomas Hirschmann
Thomas Hirschmann